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УчесникLjudi procitao sam vase odgovore nocas, skinuo sam sa neta scanModem i uputstvo za njegovo instaliranje, ali sve sto sam uspeo uraditi je da sam instalirao driver za modem preko YAST-a, pokusao sam instalirati i scanModem po uputstvu, i nije mi uspelo, tamo pise:
Enter the following Linux commands:
gunzip scanModem.gz
chmod +x scanModem
*** Ubuntu user: replace last command by sudo ./scanModem *** Other user: first use command su to become superuser. *** All users: Follow the instructions which appear in the screen. Just hit Enter if you do not understand.Pocnem:
dokman@linux:~> su
linux:/home/dokman # gunzip scanModem.gz /home/dokman/Desktop/scanModem.gz
gunzip: scanModem.gz: No such file or directoryto je verovatno bila komanda za raspakivanje ove ekstenzije .gz, proverim na desktopu postoji fajl “scanModem” i nigde nema onog originalnog “scanModem.gz”
linux:/home/dokman # chmod +x scanModem /home/dokman/Desktop/scanModem
chmod: cannot access `scanModem`: No such file or directorySta to znaci?
Sinoc mi se nije hteo ulogovati kao root, pa sam odustao i resio da pokusam ujutro instalirati scanModem i opet nista
УчесникMeni treba uputstvo korak po korak ako moze neko da ga napise? Nisam se mrdnuo dalje od logovanja kao root.
Evo problema, ne znam da kompajliram drajver za modem Agere System PCI Soft Modem sa SV92PL na suse9.1, da li ima sanse da se stvar sredi, koliko sam procitao taj Agere je poprilicno nezgodan za kompajliranje.
Procitao sam negde da se za kompajliranje koristi KDevelop i konzola, e sad sta treba gde da upisem, gde i kako da kreiram direktorijum, kako da ga testiram da vidim ima li gresaka, u citavoj baladi se pominje i KERNEL_DIR, sta sa tim da radim?
Evo sta pise u READ ME u paketu sa drajverom ltmodem-2.6-alk-8, imam jos ltmodem-2.6-alk-4, ltmodem-2.6-alk-6, ltmodem-2.6-alk-7, sa kojim od njih da pokusam osposobiti modem, skinuo sam ih sa http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/ltmodem/kernel-2.6/, sva 4
README for 2.6 kernel series port
of Lucent/Agere linmodem driver.1. Requirements
– Linux kernel 2.6.x (up to 2.6.10 tested at the moment of writing)
– Configured kernel headers or source (read section 6 on this)
– serial_core enabled in kernel configuration
(Device Drivers/Character Devices/Serial Drivers/”8250/16550…”
in menuconfig to “Yes” or “Module”)
(most vendor supplied kernels enable this)
– See chapter 4 for state of SMP support2. HOWTO build
You may need to create /dev/ttyLTM0 if you haven’t used 2.4 version
of driver or if you don’t use udev. Just do:
a. mknod –mode=0660 /dev/ttyLTM0 c 62 64
b. Change owner and group owner to match /dev/ttyS0
(Debian users: set group to dialout)
c. Create symlink /dev/modem to it (‘ln -s /dev/ttyLTM0 /dev/modem’)
If you use udev, than read docs/udev-setup and skip this step.NOTE: previous versions of this driver used device name /dev/ttyLT0. If you upgrade
from previous version, than you may leave old name. But if you plan to switch to udev,
than new name may be more preferable.Edit KERNEL_DIR variable in Makefile to reflect your 2.6 kernel dir or leave Makefile intact.
In later case driver will be compiled (or miscompiled) against
currently running kernel. Then just run make.
You will get ltmodem.ko & ltserial.ko.
Copy them to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/other/ dir and
run depmod -a.NOTE: installing to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/other is somewhat bad practice,
’cause if you recompile your kernel with different options ltmodem modules
placed to …/other will remain there, but will likely conflict
with new kernel configuration. If that happens you must recompile (make clean; make)
and reinstall driver. Please, be aware of that. For more safety you
may install modules to more apropriate place e.g. /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/serial/.
In that case new kernel modules installation will erase old ltmodem modules,
and you will easily notice it.
I actually prefer …/other approach, because often new config will be compatible with
previous.Edit your modprobe.conf to load ltserial (not lt_serial)
for /dev/ttyLTM0.My modprobe.conf contains following lines:
alias /dev/modem ltserial
alias char-major-62 ltserial
alias /dev/tts/LT0 ltserialNOTE: there were reports that devfs (which is deprecated) creates /dev/ttyLT0, not /dev/tts/LT0.
If this is true and you still use devfs, than you will need to change last line to
alias /dev/ttyLT0 ltserial.3. Report any problems to [email protected]
4. State of SMP support
8.31 core which is supposed to support SMP does not work on my system,
so default core is old one (I dont remember what).
I have also included 8.31 core which seems to work on some (probably many)
systems. Old core also contains some fixes for SMP, I dont remember
if I did them (on top of 8.26 for example) or it is 8.30 core which
should contain that fixes.Some code to support SMP is there since revision 6,
but because largest part of driver is closed-source
it is very hard to ensure that SMP support is correct. I believe that
driver should work fine on SMP systems with both cores.Please, report SMP success/fail reports to me ([email protected]).
5. How to use 8.31 core
Just change ltmdmobj.o symlink to point to ltmdmobj-8.31.
ln -sf ltmdmobj.o-8.31 ltmdmobj.o
Be carefull to actually rebuild driver with new ltmdmobj.o.
‘make clean’ followed by ‘make’ should suffice.6. Typical build problems
Many novice users report build problems.
All of them were about building kernel modules against precompiled kernels. Which is
sometimes tricky process (depending on your distro).This is what FUSE project recomments
(taken from http://fuse.sourceforge.net/):Building the kernel module needs a configured kernel source tree matching the running kernel.
If you build your own kernel this is no problem.
On the other hand if a precompiled kernel is used, the kernel headers used by the FUSE build process
must first be prepared. There are two possibilities:1. A package containing the kernel headers for the kernel binary is available in the distribution
(e.g. on Debian it’s the kernel-headers-X.Y.Z package for kernel-image-X.Y.Z)
2. The kernel source must be prepared:o Extract the kernel source to some directory
o Copy the running kernel’s config (usually found in /boot/config-X.Y.Z)
to .config at the top of the source tree
o Run make menuconfig, then make dep at the top of the source tree (only needed on 2.4 kernels)If using the 2.6 kernel, then write access is needed to some files in the kernel source tree.
Usually it is enough if you make .tmp_versions and .__modpost.cmd writable.Also see docs/Example.txt section KERNEL SOURCE PREPARATION.
Koliko sam uspeo shvatiti to je vezano za Mandrake ili Slackware
УчесникOpet ja!
Nista nisam uradio.
Raspakovao sam one drivere za modem i poceo da citam uputstvo i nista mi nije jasno, nasao sam nekoliko tekstova na temu kompajliranja, ali ne znam odakle da pocnem, koji program treba da pokrenem, sta gde da upisem, kako da se ulogujem kao administartor, tj. da imam dozvole kao administrator?Ako neko moze da pomogne neka se javi.
УчесникHvala jos jednom foxbunny, ovo sa mail-om nisam mislio nista lose.
Skinuo sam driver-e i uputstvo za kompajliranje, sad cu se baciti na problem, javicu sta god da bude!!!
УчесникHvala veliko na svim informacijama!
Ne znam da li moja masina moze da “ponese” SuSE10.2, mada ovaj 9.1 mi sasvim pristojno radi.
Naime, imam AMD na 900MHz, 256 SDRAM, MB ASUS a7v, GeForce MX440.Imam problem sa modemom, ne prepoznaje ga, modem je neki Agere System PCI Soft Modem, video sam ovde u nekoj temi da se spominje slican i skinuo sam driver koji je preporucen, e sad dolazi tezi deo, kompajliranje, predpostavljam da postoji uopsteno uputstvo za takve stvari, kompajliranje programa-drivera, ali ne znam nista oko toga, ako neko ima neko uputstvo neka posalje na [email protected]
Hvala unapred