Почетак › Форуми › Линукс дистрибуције › Slackware › Slackware 11
- This topic has 94 одговора, 24 гласа, and was last updated 18 years, 3 months раније by LimitMan.
15. јул 2006. у 12:57 pm #43809djuxУчесник
Fri Jul 14 18:31:20 CDT 2006
We *are* getting closer to 11.0, friends.
I’m hoping for a larger changeset soon, but this should be fun to play with
for now as I work on the TODO list; merging, compiling, and initial testing.
n/samba-3.0.23-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to samba-3.0.23.
This fixes a minor memory exhaustion DoS in smbd.
The CVE entry for this issue may be found here:
(* Security fix *)
kernels/huge26.s/*: Upgraded huge26.s kernel to
The name of the big kernel with many built-in options has been changed from
test26.s to huge26.s to reflect that Slackware 11.0 will consider the
2.6.16.x kernel series to be a supported kernel series. However, I’m
probably going to leave the bare.i 2.4.32 kernel as the default kernel (or
perhaps sata.i?) as it has very good performance and probably better security
due to the simpler and longer-tested design. I might apply or at least make
available in the kernel-source package for 2.4.32 a patch to fix direct
rendering with 2.4.x kernels and X.Org 6.9.0 or newer. Since anyone using
Slackware for server use isn’t likely to be loading the DRI modules, it’s
untouched code on those machines and won’t affect server stability (well,
depending on what, if anything, outside of the module is changed in the
kernel). It is probably a safe enough patch to apply. I’d rather ship 100%
vanilla kernels (and might, with the patch “on the side”), but DRI does not
work without the patch past X.Org 6.8.2. Is this enough text here?
Perhaps I should rename this my “ChangeBlog”.
Thanks to Andrea Volkerding for compiling these kernel packages: 🙂
Upgraded to alsa-driver-1.0.11 compiled for Linux
Upgraded to Linux generic kernel.
Upgraded to Linux kernel headers.
Upgraded to Linux kernel modules.
Upgraded to Linux kernel source.
Upgraded to Linux generic kernel.
Upgraded to Linux kernel headers.
Upgraded to Linux kernel modules.
Upgraded to Linux kernel source.Iz ovoga se definitivno zakljucuje da Pat definitivno uskoro namerava da izbaci Slack 11.0 uz punu podrsku za 2.6 platformu. Sta reci osim da jedva cekam !!!
15. јул 2006. у 2:46 pm #43810LYbУчесникPomalo me cudi sto nece biti najnovijeg Xorg-a 7.0 koji ima punu podrsku za SVE ATI kratice i jos dosta toga…..
Nema, provereno. Kod mene se vrti 7.0 i podrska je… vrlo traljava. Ako hoces da se uopste kompajlira modul, morad da koristis verziju iz CVS-a, a i tada najvise sto sam uspeo je da ugasim monitor po startovanju X-a. FPS je, kod onih koji su kako – tako uspeli da ga poteraju, duplo manji od ati binarnih drajvera, a ni on nema podrsku za DRI i GLX na vise paralelnih X sesija.
17. јул 2006. у 5:43 pm #43811doctorXУчесникKada ga je realno ocekivati?
20. јул 2006. у 10:18 am #43812LimitManУчесникKoliko ja znam … Jesen … Znaci Septembar
20. јул 2006. у 11:29 am #43813MladenIsakovicУчесникKad bude spremno, izaći će. To je stari Patov moto 🙂
22. јул 2006. у 3:01 am #43814BrokeBodyУчесникZasto se taj Slack stalno drzi 2.4.x kernela? K’o da su ove novije verzije sugave. 😛
22. јул 2006. у 5:05 am #43815crveni1УчесникDa si pogledao nekoliko postova ranije video bi da se priprema 2.6.17 kernel??? Još ako se pojavi veoma brzo to bi moglo značiti da noviji od tog kernela teško da ćeš naći.. U svakom slučaju jedva čekam Slacka 11 …
22. јул 2006. у 6:04 am #43816BrokeBodyУчесникDa si pogledao nekoliko postova ranije video bi da se priprema 2.6.17 kernel???…
Procitao sam sve postove pre postavljanja. 🙄
23. јул 2006. у 7:14 am #43817crveni1УчесникOnda mi definitvno nije jasno tvoje pitnaje:
Zasto se taj Slack stalno drzi 2.4.x kernela? K’o da su ove novije verzije sugave. 😛
Kada lepo piše:
Thanks to Andrea Volkerding for compiling these kernel packages: 🙂
Upgraded to alsa-driver-1.0.11 compiled for Linux
Upgraded to Linux generic kernel.
Upgraded to Linux kernel headers.
Upgraded to Linux kernel modules.
Upgraded to Linux kernel source.
Upgraded to Linux generic kernel.
Upgraded to Linux kernel headers.
Upgraded to Linux kernel modules.
Upgraded to Linux kernel source.Tako da će i on biti uvršten. Ako pitaš zašto 2.4.32 kernel odgovor leži u tome da je on pouzdan i proveren, a u nekim slučajevima je to bolje nego novo. Usput 2.4.32 nije nešto mator kernel pošto je izdat krajem prošle godine (čini mi se oko 25 novembra).
10. август 2006. у 9:35 pm #43818RiSKУчесникIsecak iz ChangeLoga 10.08.2006:
[code]rootdisks/install.1: Rebuilt with installer patches.
rootdisks/install.2: Rebuilt with installer patches
rootdisks/install.zip: Rebuilt with installer patches.[/code]Da li se to konacno sprema instaler za 11.0 ili samo Pat nesto ceprka po njemu???
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