Почетак › Форуми › BSD › OpenBSD, NetBSD › OpenBSD 4.2
- This topic has 55 одговора, 14 гласова, and was last updated 16 years, 11 months раније by
1. новембар 2007. у 3:20 pm #9485
УчесникTheo de Raadt has announced the release of OpenBSD 4.2: “We are pleased to announce the official release of OpenBSD 4.2. This is our 22nd release on CD-ROM (and 23rd via FTP). We remain proud of OpenBSD’s record of more than ten years with only two remote holes in the default install. As in our previous releases, 4.2 provides significant improvements, including new features, in nearly all areas of the system. New and extended platforms: PCIe UltraSPARC IIIi machines like the V215 and V245; AlphaServer 1200 and 4100. Install and upgrade process changes: new install method – for the most popular architectures, the FTP sites have a 200MB install ISO file, which contains the base set, permitting non-network installs; allow the specification of an NTP server during installation. Improved hardware support, including native Serial ATA support….” Read the detailed release announcement and visit the OpenBSD 4.2 page for a full list of new features. Download the installation CD from these FTP/HTTP servers or use the project’s torrent tracker: i386/install42.iso (204MB, MD5); amd64/install42.iso (223MB, MD5).
http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=0456716. децембар 2007. у 9:27 pm #64707BRANKKO
МодераторThe OpenBSD project does not make the ISO images used to master the official CDs available for download. The reason is simply that we would like you to buy the CD sets to help fund ongoing OpenBSD development. The official OpenBSD CD-ROM layout is copyright Theo de Raadt. Theo does not permit people to redistribute images of the official OpenBSD CDs. As an incentive for people to buy the CD set, some extras are included in the package as well (artwork, stickers etc).
Making an bootable OpenBSD install cd:http://www.pantz.org/software/openbsd/makinganopenbsdbootcd.html
(Doduse ovo je za verziju 3.8, ali nije tesko prepraviti za 4.2)
b.t.w. Koji im je 3p da OpenBSD ne isporucuju kao ISO fajl(ove) 😮
Srecom ima linkova po netu za vec spakovane ISOe, al’ o5…
16. децембар 2007. у 10:16 pm #64708MladenIsakovic
УчесникJesu bar sredili ono s*anje da ne moraš ručno da pišeš broj cilindara svog harddiska?
16. децембар 2007. у 10:21 pm #64709Andersen
Учесникlol,ja sam imao slican problem kod netBSD-a,a da ne pominjem da mi je pomerio i hardware clock.Ne verujem da im je neki preterano veliki problem da to srede,ali da li su sredili..xexex..treba se za*ebati pa opet probati ::)
17. децембар 2007. у 12:23 pm #64710BRANKKO
МодераторNisam ga jos instalirao, mada trebalo bi da je sad to automatizovano…
Malo mi se ne svidja ovo, ko plati on ima, a ostali nek se muce…
Mislim OKe je znati i pakovati rucno, al malkice je odbojno… mada mozda to i jeste cilj 🙂29. фебруар 2008. у 5:01 pm #64711soxxx
УчесникIzvinjavam se sto upadam u stariju temu ali samo da razjasnimo nesto; OpenBSD od 4.2 verzije nudi iso fajl za preuzimanje, spominje se to u prvom postu (u announcement-u) ali vam je verovatno promaklo… 😉 Fajl ima naziv install42.iso i tezi negde oko ~200MB.
29. фебруар 2008. у 9:11 pm #64712marelli
УчесникPa i da nije bilo,sibnes ukupno 6 komandi u shell-u,od kojih je ona zadnja jedna od tezih,heheeh … :biggrin:
Nije mnogo,mislim,hehehehe ….. :biggrin: evo i linka ako treba:http://www.bsd-srbija.org/dokumentacija/doku.php/openbsd_pravljenje_instalacionog_diska
A da,i kod 4.2 se mlatis rucno sa cilindrima/glavama/sektorima …. :biggrin:
2. март 2008. у 12:53 pm #64713Moneo
УчесникOpenBSD,NetBSD,FreeBSD+desktop=mazohizam :biggrin:
2. март 2008. у 1:02 pm #64714marelli
УчесникMozda i jeste mazohizam,ali kad se sve to nategne,utegne i zategne,procacka,iscacka,onda …. :biggrin:
Fly,baby,flyyy …. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
2. март 2008. у 1:21 pm #64715Moneo
УчесникVidis u tome jeste poenta 🙂
BSD nema da ponudi nista sto linux vec nema-bar kada pricamo o obicnom korisniku
Jeste da ima port sistem-ali slicne stvari imaju sada vec svi linux distroi-tipa yum,apt,portage i sl
A tek da ne pominjem hardversku podrsku u samom kernelu koja kod BSD-a kaska za linux-om za jedno 2 koplja min :p
Doduse FreeBSD moze da prodje i za desktop-mozda :p
Ima on mozda i cistiji kod i bolji devel model ali koje ja koristi imam od toga kao average Joe
Nikakve 😀 -
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