Da li neko ima iskustva sa Presto Plugin – om ?
Yum-presto is a plugin for yum that looks for deltarpms rather than rpms whenever they are available. This has the potential of saving a lot of bandwidth when downloading updates. A Deltarpm is the difference between two rpms. If you already have foo-1.0 installed and foo-1.1 is available, yum-presto will download the deltarpm for foo-1.0 => 1.1 rather than the full foo-1.1 rpm, and then build the full foo-1.1 package from your installed foo-1.0 and the downloaded deltarpm.
Presto is scheduled to be officially included in the Fedora 11 release! To install it type:
su -c ‘yum install yum-presto’
Then you must edit some .repo files. If you are using Fedora 10 64 bit sorry, but at this time I don’t see any mirror with x86_64 packages.
su -c ‘gedit /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-updates.repo’
comment the mirrorlist line by adding # in front of it and then paste this line: