Почетак › Форуми › Линукс дистрибуције › Arch,Manjaro,… › Vodja projekta Arch Linuxa, Judd Vinet: Dosta sam radio!
- This topic has 3 одговора, 1 глас, and was last updated 17 years, 4 months раније by
1. октобар 2007. у 8:24 pm #9325
УчесникU veoma lepom oproštajnom pismu, Judd Vinet, vođa projekta Arch Linux, oprostio se od pozicije vođe i predao štafetu iskusnom developeru Aronu Griffinu (t.p.k. Phrakture). To je nakon šest godina razvoja ove neverovatne i po mnogim karakteristikama jedinstvene distribucije. Sve u svemu, ja sam se bar iznenadio, ali isto tako verujem da je Arch poodavno prerastao dimenzije u kojoj se Judd osećao sigurnim, pa je ovo veoma logično.
Hello everyone,
It’s been awhile since I poked my head out to say hi, and now that I
have, it with an air of finality.I plan to step down as leader of Arch Linux and pass the torch. The
reason for this is that I do not have the time to devote towards a
leadership role in a project the size of Arch Linux, and Arch deserves
someone who does. It needs some work, it needs some unification, and
it needs someone at the helm who can devote a lot of time to it.This has been a very successful project, and I’d like to stay in it in
some facet, but not as the leader. Arch has met all my hopes and
goals from way back in 2001, and I think it’s in a ripe position for
someone else to extend those goals and to map out a future for the
distribution.I’ve given it a lot of thought, and based on the state of things,
all-round competencies, initiatives, and willingness, I would like to
pass this leadership role on to Aaron Griffin, also known as Phrakture
on IRC and the forums.He’s a good jack-of-all-trades and has the time necessary for a project
such as this. Please join me in welcoming him as our new Arch
Overlord. 🙂Though I will still be around for discussions and anything else I can
do for Arch (within my feeble time constraints), I feel this is the
time to say Goodbye, at least as leader. I will still be around as
Arch’s Number One Cheerleader, but not as its visionary.To Developers and Community: Thank you so very very much. You’ve helped
build something that has changed my life in many ways and I look back
on the years with a fondness and admiration, still a bit incredulous at
all the talent that has formed around Arch Linux. We have much to be
proud of.Thank you all for the last 6 years, and cheers to a bright future
together.– Judd
1. октобар 2007. у 8:53 pm #63088Анонимни
ГостIskreno, mislio sam da je on odavno napustio projekat. Nije bitno za topic, ali, koji mu je nick na forumu, ako je aktivan? 😀
Bilo kako bilo, napravio je unikatnu distribuciju vrednu pomena i za to mu skidam kapu! Long live Arch, long live Judd!1. октобар 2007. у 9:25 pm #63089foxbunny
УчесникPa baš onaj CORE set paketa koji ima na svakom Archu je radio Judd. 😉 Ali super je što će baš Phrakture da preuzme. On je ok lik.
8. октобар 2007. у 7:04 pm #63090Анонимни
ГостAko budes imao vremena, skini ovaj novi installer (2007-08-02). Ne znam sta su ti ljudi mislili! Sad u tom “core” disku imas 4 grupe: base, devel, lib i support. Medjutim, u base nemas (recimo) pppoe, pa moras da izaberes i support paket (ne sve, naravno, ALI KO CE DA KOPA?). Ne znam za rp-pppoe, ali za pppoeconf na debianu ti treba libsasl, koji je ovde u lib grupi.
Jos jedna stvar mi nije jasna: zasto su izbrisali paket “xorg” iz repoa, i sad moram svaki put da trcim na wiki da vidim onih famoznih 5 paketa za install.
Ne znam, neki njihovi postupci u poslednje vreme su mi bas nejasni 😀 -
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