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- This topic has 10 одговора, 4 гласа, and was last updated 17 years, 4 months раније by
21. септембар 2007. у 8:41 pm #9265
УчесникRecimo da spojim dva avi fajla po 700 mega u jedan veliki, normalni… kako se linijski DVD plejeri snalaze sa tim? Pitam posto mi treba, hocu neke filmove koji su razdeljenji na po dva CD-a da spojim u jedan fajl, a nemam plejer pri ruci…
21. септембар 2007. у 8:53 pm #62507dens
УчесникNemam takav fajl da probam, ali ako govorimo o avi fajlovima… to onda i nije DVD stream? E u tom slučaju verujem da bi radio, jer ne vidim da mu je bitno da li čita avi od 30MB ili 700MB, pa velim ne znam zašto bi stavljali veštačko ograničenje na 700+MB.
Ako nisam razumeo pitanje… onda… zaboravi 😉
21. септембар 2007. у 9:03 pm #62508LYb
УчесникMislim da si razumeo… Ne nije DVD stream. U pitanju je obican avi… Posto mozes da narezes 5 fajlova po 700 mega na DVD i da gledas normalno, da li moze da bude recimo… dva fajla od po 2 giga? Da li postoje limiti uopste? Ne zanimaju me istorijski spisi, samo noviji uredjaji, poslednjih recimo… godinu dana max.?
Smara me da na pola filma ucitavam novi fajl, ‘ocu da uzivam kao covek 🙂
21. септембар 2007. у 11:20 pm #62509LimitMan
УчесникThe 2 GiB (or 4.2GB depending on implementation) file size limit
All numbers in ISO 9660 filesystems except the single byte value used for the GMT offset are unsigned numbers. Some operating systems may be incorrect and this will cause a 2 GB limit for single extent files.
Normally, a file on an ISO 9660 formatted disc cannot be larger than 232-1 in size, as the file’s size is stored in a unsigned 32 bit value, for which 232-1 is the maximum.
It is, however, possible to circumvent this limitation by using the multi-extent (fragmentation) feature of ISO 9660 Level 3. With this, files larger than 4GB can be split up into multiple extents (sequential series of sectors), each not exceeding the 4GB limit. The free software mkisofs is able to create filesystems that use multi-extent files to support file sizes up to 8 TB.
Empirical tests with a 4.2 GB fragmented file on a DVD media have shown that Microsoft Windows XP supports this, while Mac OS X (as of 10.4.8) does not handle this case properly. In the case of Mac OS X, the driver appears to not support file fragmentation at all (i.e. it only supports ISO 9660 Level 2 but not Level 3). Linux supports multiple extents [3]; FreeBSD only shows and reads the last extent of a multi-extent file.
It appears that the spec does allow 4.2GB files that are not fragmented. From the ECMA-119 Spec (same as ISO9660) we find that the file size is: 9.1.4 Data Length (BP 11 to 18) This field shall specify as a 32-bit number the data length of the File Section. This field shall be recorded according to 7.3.3. —And 7.3.3 Both-byte orders A numerical value represented by the hexadecimal representation (st uv wx yz) shall be recorded in an eight-byte field as (yz wx uv st st uv wx yz).
For an unsigned number the file size limit is actually (232)-1, or 4.2GB. Windows XP has been tested with single-extent files up to the 4.2GB size and they do work.
However, this 4.2G limit only works for non-multi-extent files. For multi-extent files (level 3 ISO) the maximum size for each file part excapt the last one must be limited to 4GB-one sector (0xFFFFF800 bytes). This is because each part of the file must completely fill each set of sectors to keep the file parts contiguous. A file size of 0xffffffff does not allow this since it will not fit in an integer number of sectors.
Note also that some other OS and file systems might place other limits on file sizes. For example, some versions of FAT and Macintosh HFS (not HFS+) are limited to 2G files.
Uglavnom, player pusta ono sto mu das (pogotovu noviji) a sigurno cita ukoliko je fajl do velicine od 2 GB
22. септембар 2007. у 1:39 am #62510LYb
2x700Mb < 2GbJa biti srecan, mnogo srecan 🙂
22. септембар 2007. у 9:40 am #62511LimitMan
УчесникE .. i uzmi Avidemux … Imas lepo graficko okruzenje, ubacis jedan fajl, pa drugi output codecs stavis “Copy” i film ti je spojen za 2 minuta 😉
22. септембар 2007. у 2:06 pm #62512LYb
УчесникMa nema potrebe
mencoder -forceidx -ovc copy -oac copy -o svezajedno.avi prvi.avi drugi.avi
[/code]resava stvar 🙂
22. септембар 2007. у 9:46 pm #62513LimitMan
УчесникMoze i tako 😉 Ali ako vise volis GUI … 😉
23. септембар 2007. у 7:13 pm #62514urosevic
УчесникBrate, šta će ti viša matematika, imaš avimerge!
[code]avimerge -o film.avi -i film-cd1.avi film.cd2.avi[/code]
24. септембар 2007. у 11:10 am #62515LYb
УчесникDa, vidis, nisam znao. Lepo je znati 🙂
UBR, ovo je razlog sto sam te pre neki dan cimao na ICQ 🙂
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