U pitanju je Ubiquiti 300mW 802.11G/B/A kartica sa ekstra dometom i max. izlaznom snagom od 300mW te pripadajucom antenom od 9dB. Uredjaj je nov, koristen/testiran ukupno pola sata. Idealna za wardriving.
Chipset: Atheros 5004
Compatibility: 802.11a/b/g: Interoperable with WiFi (WECA) certified equipment. 802.11g at 802.11b speed (11Mbps)
Antenna jacks: Two MMCX connectors; support receiving diversity.
Jacks: primary & auxiliary With rear of card facing you and label facing up: Primary jack is on the left, auxiliary is on the right
Host Interface: 16-bit PCMCIA V2.1 I/O interface type II
Data Rate: 802.11a: up to 54Mbps 802.11b: up to 11Mbps 802.11g: up to 54Mbps
Power Consumption: TX power consumption: 600-900mA +/-100mA RX power consumption: 350mA +/- 50mA
Voltage: 3.3V
Compliance: CE (SR2CE, 200mW version)
RF Output: 24 dBm +/- 1dB (maximum)
RX sensitivity: -95dBm
Security: WEP 64 & 128 bit. WPA: No support for WPA.
Operating temperature: -40 – 60 degrees C
Storage temperature: -70 – 85 degrees C
Cena: 100 EUR
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