Почетак › Форуми › Линукс дистрибуције › Mandriva › Софтвер › Odg: Mandriva 2008
- This topic has 81 одговор, 29 гласова, and was last updated 16 years, 2 months раније by Beagle.
6. август 2007. у 11:08 pm #8975Sriver FXУчесник
E, ljudi, kad ce da izadje Mandriva 2008 nesto nisam u toku?
6. август 2007. у 11:48 pm #59086miodragzУчесникMandriva 2008 se trenutno razvija i trebalo bi da izadje najkasnije pocetkom oktobra 2008.
Beta 1 od 6.8.2007 do 16.8.2007 (odlozeno od 2.8.2007)
Beta 2 od 17.8.2007 do 31.8.2007
RC 1 od 1.9.2007 do 17.8.2007
RC 2 od 18.9.2007 do 25.9.2007
Zvanicno izdanje je najavljeno za cetvrtak 27.9.2007 ali je moguce kasnjenjeKDE 3.5.7,KDE 4 preview,GNOME 2.20, XFCE 4.4.1, Kernel 2.6.22, Compiz Fusion, GCC 4.2,X.org 7.3, OpenOffice.org 2.2, RandR 1.2 applet for KDE,
Od aplikacija ce imati
KDE 3.5.7, KDE 4 preview
Office* Office-AddressBooks: kontact
* Office-Communications: kmobiletools
* Office-Communications-Fax: kfax
* Office-Communications-PDA: kmobiletools
* Office-Communications-Phone: kmobiletools
* Office-Communications-Other: kmobiletools
* Office-Drawing: gimp,inkscape, krita
* Office-Graphs: kivio
* Office-Presentations: openoffice, koffice
* Office-Publishing: scribus, openoffice
* Office-Spreadsheets: openoffice, koffice
* Office-TasksManagement
* Office-TimeManagement: kontact
* Office-Other: kontact
* Office-Wordprocessors: openoffice, kofficeInternet
* Internet-FileTransfer: kftp
* Internet-InstantMessaging: kopete,, eva(for QQ protocol), pidgin
* Internet-Mail: kontact/kmail, thunderbird
* Internet-News: kontact/knode
* Internet-VideoConference: ekiga
* Internet-Other: kontact
* Internet-RemoteAccess
* Internet-WebBrowsers: firefox, konqueror
* Internet-WebEditors: quanta, bluefishAccessibility
Development* Development-CodeGenerators: koffice/kexi
* Development-DevelopmentEnvironments: kdevelop
* Development-Interpreters
* Development-Tools: qt designer
* Development-Other: kdesdk/kbabelDocumentation
Editors* Education-Economy
* Education-Geography: kgeography
* Education-History
* Education-Languages
* Education-Literature
* Education-Sciences: kalzium
* Education-Sports
* Education-OtherFinances
* gnucash
* Games-Adventure
* Games-Arcade: openarena
* Games-Boards
* Games-Cards
* Games-Puzzles
* Games-Sports
* Games-Strategy
* Games-Other
* Games-ToysSciences
* Sciences-ArtificialIntelligence
* Sciences-Astronomy
* Sciences-Biology
* Sciences-Chemistry
* Sciences-ComputerScience
* Sciences-DataVisualization
* Sciences-Electricity
* Sciences-Geosciences
* Sciences-ImageProcessing
* Sciences-Mathematics
* Sciences-NumericalAnalysis
* Sciences-ParallelComputing
* Sciences-Physics
* Sciences-Robotics
* Sciences-OtherMultimedia
* Multimedia-Graphics: gimp
* Multimedia-Sound: amarok
* Multimedia-Video: kaffeine, kmplayer
* Multimedia-Other: jahshaka, blenderSystem
* System-Archiving-Backup
* System-Archiving-CDBurning: K3B
* System-Archiving-Compression: standard kde tools
* System-Archiving-Other
* System-Configuration-BootandInit
* System-Configuration-Hardware
* System-Configuration-KDE: kcontrol
* System-Configuration-KDE-Components
* System-Configuration-KDE-System
* System-Configuration-Networking
* System-Configuration-Packaging
* System-Configuration-Printing
* System-Configuration-Users
* System-Configuration-Other
* System-FileTools: kerry+beagle
* System-Monitoring
* System-Session
* System-Session-Windowmanagers
* System-Terminals
* System-TextToolsGNOME 2.20
* Office-AddressBooks: evolution
* Office-Communications:
* Office-Communications-Fax:
* Office-Communications-PDA: gnome-pilot, evolution-pilot
* Office-Communications-Phone: gnome-phone-manager
* Office-Communications-Other: kmobiletools
* Office-Drawing: gimp,inkscape
* Office-Graphs:
* Office-Presentations: openoffice
* Office-Publishing: scribus, openoffice
* Office-Spreadsheets: openoffice, gnumeric
* Office-TasksManagement: evolution, tasks
* Office-TimeManagement: planner
* Office-Other: evince, tomboy
* Office-Wordprocessors: openoffice, abiwordInternet
* Internet-FileTransfer: deluge
* Internet-InstantMessaging: pidgin
* Internet-Mail: evolution, thunderbird
* Internet-News: pan
* Internet-VideoConference: ekiga
* Internet-Other: xchat-gnome
* Internet-RemoteAccess: vino
* Internet-WebBrowsers: firefox epiphany
* Internet-WebEditors: nvuAccessibility
* orca, gok
* Development-CodeGenerators
* Development-DevelopmentEnvironments: anjuta, devhelp
* Development-Interpreters
* Development-Tools
* Development-OtherDocumentation
* yelp
* gedit
* Education-Economy
* Education-Geography
* Education-History
* Education-Languages
* Education-Literature
* Education-Sciences
* Education-Sports
* Education-OtherFinances
* gnucash
* Games-Adventure
* Games-Arcade
* Games-Boards
* Games-Cards
* Games-Puzzles
* Games-Sports
* Games-Strategy
* Games-Other: gnome-games
* Games-ToysSciences
* Sciences-ArtificialIntelligence
* Sciences-Astronomy
* Sciences-Biology
* Sciences-Chemistry
* Sciences-ComputerScience
* Sciences-DataVisualization
* Sciences-Electricity
* Sciences-Geosciences
* Sciences-ImageProcessing
* Sciences-Mathematics
* Sciences-NumericalAnalysis
* Sciences-ParallelComputing
* Sciences-Physics
* Sciences-Robotics
* Sciences-Other
Multimedia* Multimedia-Graphics: gimp, f-spot, inkscape, gthumb, ufraw, hugin
* Multimedia-Sound: rhythmbox, alternatively totem or banshee, sound-juicer, audacity, gnome-sound-recorder
* Multimedia-Video: pitivi, kino
* Multimedia-Other: jahshaka, blenderSystem
* System-Archiving-Backup
* System-Archiving-CDBurning: nautilus-cd-burner, serpentine, brasero
* System-Archiving-Compression: file-roller
* System-Archiving-Other
* System-Configuration-BootandInit
* System-Configuration-Hardware
* System-Configuration-Networking
* System-Configuration-Packaging
* System-Configuration-Printing
* System-Configuration-Users
* System-Configuration-Other
* System-FileTools: beagle
* System-Monitoring: baobab
* System-Session
* System-Session-Windowmanagers
* System-Terminals
* System-TextTools7. август 2007. у 5:24 am #59087tomajaГлавни мајсторMožda može da koristi: Šta donosi nova Mandriva 2008 ?
7. август 2007. у 10:26 am #59088sdfasfasffsdqqfdqУчесникMandriva 2008 se trenutno razvija i trebalo bi da izadje najkasnije pocetkom oktobra 2008.
Beta 1 od 6.8.2007 do 16.8.2007 (odlozeno od 2.8.2007)
Beta 2 od 17.8.2007 do 31.8.2007
RC 1 od 1.9.2007 do 17.8.2007
RC 2 od 18.9.2007 do 25.9.2007
Zvanicno izdanje je najavljeno za cetvrtak 27.9.2007 ali je moguce kasnjenjeČek pa Mandriva 2008 će izaći krajem septembra ili početkom oktobra?Kako brzo rade!
Jedva čekam! 😀7. август 2007. у 10:57 am #59089BrokeBodyУчесникČek pa Mandriva 2008 će izaći krajem septembra ili početkom oktobra?Kako brzo rade!
Jedva čekam!Mogao bi prvi post iz Linuxa na ovom forumu da ti bude baš iz nje. 🙂
7. август 2007. у 10:58 am #59090sdfasfasffsdqqfdqУчесникKako to mislis?
7. август 2007. у 11:47 am #59091Sriver FXУчесникjbg. ja mislio da ce izaci ovih dana, tako je bar bilo predhodnih godina, pa sad nemam ni jedan distro na racunaru cekajuci nju. Dobro, znaci da vratim 2007-icu. Moram da probam da nasetujem i ovaj conexant.
No dobro, cuo sam da ce Mandriva od sada izlaziti na pola godine sto se meni licno ne svidja, pa vas pitam jer neko zna nesto vise o tome.
7. август 2007. у 11:52 am #59092foxbunnyУчесникMogao bi prvi post iz Linuxa na ovom forumu da ti bude baš iz nje. 🙂
A, drago mi je da ponovo vidim BrokeBodyja ovde. Onaj Fridge je bio takav smor. :biggrin:
7. август 2007. у 12:04 pm #59093BrokeBodyУчесникMa papak. ::)
7. август 2007. у 12:05 pm #59094DeeMonУчесникDobrodošao nazad, TheFridge….ovaaaaajjjj…..BrokeBody ::)
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