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- This topic has 89 одговора, 17 гласова, and was last updated 14 years, 9 months раније by Анонимни.
12. мај 2008. у 9:19 pm #55710marelliУчесник
Building a Server with FreeBSD 7
TITLE : Building a Server with FreeBSD 7 [ILLUSTRATED] (Paperback)
AUTHOR : by Bryan Hong (Author)
PUBLISHER : No Starch Press publisher
ISBN : 159327145X
PUB DATE : April 01, 2008
LANGUAGE : English
RLS DATE : 05/01/2008[ R e l e a s e N o t e s ]
The most difficult part of building a server with FreeBSD, the Unix-like operating system, is arguably software installation and configuration. Finding the software is easy enough; getting everything up and running is another thing entirely. The only option for many people has been to hire a consultant. Building a Server with FreeBSD 7 is for those of us who prefer to build our own server. If you’re a small business owner looking for a reliable email server, a curious Windows administrator, or if you just want to put that old computer in the closet to work, you’ll learn how to get things up and running quickly. Then, once you have a working system, you can experiment, extend, and customize as you please. You’ll learn how to install FreeBSD, then how to install popular server applications with the ports collection. Each package is treated as an independent module, so you can dip into the book at any point to install just the packages you need, when you need them. The book s modules cover topics like:
– Running common FreeBSD admin commands and tasks
– Managing the FreeBSD ports collection
– Installing third-party apps like Apache, Courier-IMAP, SpamAssassin,
CUPS, Cyrus SASL, MediaWiki, and WordPress
– Setting up MySQL, NTP, ISC DHCP, ISC BIND DNS, PHP, OpenLDAP, OpenSSH, OpenSSL, and OpenVPNBuilding a Server with FreeBSD 7 will have you up and running fast, with minimum hassle. (Just be sure to send the money you save to the Unemployed Consultant Foundation.)
12. мај 2008. у 9:22 pm #55711marelliУчесникFreeBSD 6 Unleashed (2006)
12. мај 2008. у 9:29 pm #55712marelliУчесникNetwork Administration with FreeBSD
TITLE : Network Administration with FreeBSD
TYPE : Computer/Network
AUTHOR : Babak Farrokhi
PUBLISHER : Packt Publishing
ISBN : 1847192645
PAGES : 280
This book is a guide to FreeBSD for network administrators; therefore it does not cover basic installation and configuration of FreeBSD, but is about using FreeBSD to build, secure, and maintain networks. After introducing the basic tools for monitoring the performance and security of the system the book moves on to cover using jails-FreeBSD virtual environments-to secure your network. Then it shows how to overcome the different bottlenecks that you may meet depending on the services you are running by tweaking different parameters to maintain a high performance from your FreeBSD server. Next it covers using the ifconfig utility to configure interfaces with different layer protocols and about connectivity testing and debugging tools. After covering using User PPP or Kernel PPP for Point-to-Point Protocol network configuration it explains basic IP forwarding in FreeBSD and the use of the built-in routing daemons, routed and route6d, which support RIPv1, RIPv2, RIPng, and RDISC. Next it covers the OpenOSPFD and OpenBGPD daemons that you can install to run OSPF and BGP on your host. Then it covers setup and configuration of IPFW and PF, and finally looks at some important internet services and how to set them up on your FreeBSD server .12. мај 2008. у 9:49 pm #55713marelliУчесникAbsolute OpenBSD: UNIX for the Practical Paranoid
12. мај 2008. у 9:51 pm #55714marelliУчесникThe Book of PF: A No-Nonsense Guide to the OpenBSD Firewall
TITLE : The Book of PF: A No-Nonsense Guide to the OpenBSD Firewall
TYPE : # Computers & Internet/Networking/Network Security
AUTHOR : Peter Hansteen
PUBLISHER : No Starch Press
ISBN : 1593271654
PAGES : 184
OpenBSD’s stateful packet filter, PF, offers an amazing feature set and support across the major BSD platforms. Like most firewall software though, unlocking PF’s full potential takes a good teacher. Peter N.M. Hansteen’s PF website and conference tutorials have helped thousands of users build the networks they need using PF. The Book of PF is the product of Hansteen’s knowledge and experience, teaching good practices as well as bare facts and software options. Throughout the book, Hansteen emphasizes the importance of staying in control by having a written network specification, using macros to make rule sets more readable, and performing rigid testing when loading in new rules.Today’s system administrators face increasing challenges in the quest for network quality, and The Book of PF can help by demystifying the tools of modern *BSD network defense. But, perhaps more importantly, because we know you like to tinker, The Book of PF tackles a broad range of topics that will stimulate your mind and pad your resume, including how to:
* Create rule sets for all kinds of network traffic, whether it is crossing a simple home LAN, hiding behind NAT, traversing DMZs, or spanning bridges
* Use PF to create a wireless access point, and lock it down tight with authpf and special access restrictions
* Maximize availability by using redirection rules for load balancing and CARP for failover
* Use tables for proactive defense against would-be attackers and spammers
* Set up queues and traffic shaping with ALTQ, so your network stays responsive
* Master your logs with monitoring and visualization, because you can never be too paranoidThe Book of PF is written for BSD enthusiasts and network admins at any level of expertise. With more and more services placing high demands on bandwidth and increasing hostility coming from the Internet at-large, you can never be too skilled with PF.
12. мај 2008. у 9:55 pm #55715marelliУчесникMastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security
FreeBSD and OpenBSD are increasingly gaining traction in educational institutions, non-profits, and corporations worldwide because they provide significant security advantages over Linux. Although a lot can be said for the robustness, clean organization, and stability of the BSD operating systems, security is one of the main reasons system administrators use these two platforms.
There are plenty of books to help you get a FreeBSD or OpenBSD system off the ground, and all of them touch on security to some extent, usually dedicating a chapter to the subject. But, as security is commonly named as the key concern for today’s system administrators, a single chapter on the subject can’t provide the depth of information you need to keep your systems secure.
FreeBSD and OpenBSD are rife with security “building blocks” that you can put to use, and Mastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security shows you how. Both operating systems have kernel options and filesystem features that go well beyond traditional Unix permissions and controls. This power and flexibility is valuable, but the colossal range of possibilities need to be tackled one step at a time. This book walks you through the installation of a hardened operating system, the installation and configuration of critical services, and ongoing maintenance of your FreeBSD and OpenBSD systems.
Using an application-specific approach that builds on your existing knowledge, the book provides sound technical information on FreeBSD and Open-BSD security with plenty of real-world examples to help you configure and deploy a secure system. By imparting a solid technical foundation as well as practical know-how, it enables administrators to push their server’s security to the next level. Even administrators in other environments–like Linux and Solaris–can find useful paradigms to emulate.
Written by security professionals with two decades of operating system experience, Mastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security features broad and deep explanations of how how to secure your most critical systems. Where other books on BSD systems help you achieve functionality, this book will help you more thoroughly secure your deployments.
Type: chm
Size: 1.3MB12. мај 2008. у 9:57 pm #55716marelliУчесникA,vis ti to,ovo za *BSD,moz da bude tema”*BSD e-knjige”! :biggrin:
ccc ….
15. мај 2008. у 4:31 pm #55717АнонимниГостBSD
11. септембар 2008. у 8:34 pm #55718dukenukem_4dУчесникFPGA design from scratch
Korišćenje ubuntu za projektovanje ASIC električnih kola
(sa slikama,web,dugačko)EDIT, ajd pošto je poslednaj poruka 😀
evo o čemu je reč, ima onaj konektor na pločama ,na koji
se prikačinje Front panel audio — nešto —Front Panel I/O Connectivity Design Guide
i nešto za HW naš prevod
(u stvari tražio sam da li može lirc da se ubaci na onaj fazon :o)KAKO DA NADOGRADITE SVOJU MATIČNU PLOČU
http://www.cet.co.yu/CETcitaliste/CitalisteTekstovi/686.pdf27. фебруар 2009. у 1:32 pm #55719tomajaГлавни мајстор@atomic
Link za preuzimanje te knjige već par godina postoji i u Download sekciji[/url]
Sadržaj se može pogledati na http://www.linuxo.org/content/view/1049Knjiga je do sada, sa Linuxo sajta, preuzeta 1888 puta.
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