Hajde napiši neku reč više.
Ja sam gledao na ponuđenoj adresi i nisam našao opisani driver. Ima samo :
1.Intel-536ep-4.71-suse9.3-up.tgz (1733KB) 4.71 UP,Contains the sample precompiled Intel® 536EP V.92 modem (PCI) chipset driver for the UP (uni-processor) configured Suse 9.2 system.OS:Linux*
2.Intel-536ep-4.71-suse9.3-smp.tgz (1737KB), 4.71 SMP,Contains the sample precompiled Intel® 536EP V.92 modem (PCI) chipset driver for the SMP (symmetric multiprocessor) configured Suse 9.2 system.OS:Linux*
3.Intel-536ep-4.71.tgz (476KB), 4.71 Contains the base, partial open source, UNCOMPILED Intel® 536EP V.92 modem (PCI) chipset driver.OS:Linux*
Da li si mislio na neki od ovih i da li ti je proradio na Mandrivi 2005?.